Since January 2014, the First Connections initiative implements innovative approaches for community-based providers to embed developmental screening and strengthen referral processes within their practices. The goal is to better identify children with or at risk for developmental delays and connect them and their families to culturally and linguistically appropriate early intervention services and supports as early as possible. Given the success of the program, First Connections was extended to continue exploring promising practices and strong partnerships to inform other key systems delivering early identification and intervention (EII), including Help Me Grow LA (HMG LA).
Click here to read about a mother’s brave step to enroll her children in early intervention services with the support of First Connections. The brief video below highlights the need for the First Connections program.

Since the program’s launch, First Connections grantees have served more than 60,000 children and expanded services to more than 120 locations across six community-based organizations.
Based on lessons learned from the program, the Early Screening, Better Outcomes: Developmental Screening & Referral Toolkits serve as a practical guide to support early childhood agencies and programs in implementing or refining high-quality developmental screening and linkage for young children.
An independent mixed methods evaluation conducted by Harder+Company Community Research in 2019-2020 examined family access, knowledge, and support; systems learnings and implications; and technical assistance and provider capacity. The full evaluation report documenting best practices and lessons learned can be found here.
The toolkits and program evaluation findings were highlighted at a July 2020 forum with EII providers to highlight best practices from the First Connections program, as featured in the below video.

First 5 LA is working in partnership with six community-based organizations to increase timely access to developmental screenings and early intervention services. For implementation, these providers receive the support of a training and technical assistance provider. The success of the First Connections program is attributed to the following agencies’ commitment and dedication to testing and refining strategies that strengthen EII practices within their agencies.
Allies for Every Child (formerly Westside Children’s Center) provides thousands of at risk children and their families with critical, high-quality early education programs, interventions to strengthen families at risk of abusing or neglecting their children, foster care and adoption services, and a range of vital, integrated services, including developmental screenings/advocacy, parenting classes and pediatric health consultations.
AltaMed Health Services Corporation:
AltaMed Health Services Corporation provides pediatric care, developmental screening and referrals to regional centers and other community supports. AltaMed uses health information technology capabilities to prompt staff in implementing and tracking developmental screening results. Since the launch of the First Connections program in 2014, AltaMed has noted a dramatic increase in their screening rates. After implementing the Hablamos Juntos parent education program in 2017, AltaMed observed an increase in children’s language and communication skills.
Eisner Pediatric and Family Medical Center:
Eisner Pediatric and Family Medical Center is a community health center dedicated to improving the physical, social and emotional well-being of children and families within the communities they serve, regardless of income. Eisner provides several pediatric services including individual and family therapy, trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy and parenting programs, among others.
Foothill Family Services supports the San Gabriel Valley and Pomona Valley with family centers in Pasadena, El Monte, South El Monte, West Covina, Duarte and Pomona. To meet the unique needs of this region, Foothill Family staff speak up to 13 languages and provide a diverse array of services for children prenatal to age 5 and their families. In addition to conducting developmental screenings, Foothill Family provides parent education, home visiting services and family therapy, among other services.
Northeast Valley Health Corporation:
Northeast Valley Health Corporation provides comprehensive primary health care to medically underserved residents of L.A. County, particularly in the San Fernando and Santa Clarita valleys. Northeast Valley provides primary and preventive health services to children, including developmental screening and age-specific education regarding child development and growth.
South Central Los Angeles Family Resource Center:
The South Central Los Angeles Family Resource Center supports families of children who are at risk for or have been diagnosed with a developmental disability. The family resource center provides a wide range of services including one-to-one peer counseling support for families and caregivers, ongoing outreach and public awareness in the community, parent support groups and a range of other services.
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles:
As the first and largest pediatric hospital in Southern California and a recognized leader in the field of developmental disabilities, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles provides training, education and technical assistance for the above First Connections grantees.

Latinx Mothers’ Experiences with Linkage to Early Intervention (2022)
Helping babies and young children involved with the child welfare system (2019)
Broad developmental screening misses young children with social-emotional needs (2018)
Feb 25, 2021 | Articles, First Connections
First 5 LA Promotes Developmental Screenings with New Pediatrician Toolkit
Jul 29, 2020 | Author: Christina Hoag, First Connections, News & Resources
Q & A: The Importance of First Connections During the Pandemic & More
Feb 25, 2021 | Articles, First Connections
Dec 18, 2019 | Articles, Author: Jeff Schnaufer, First Connections, News & Resources
First Connections Program Evaluation
Nov 12, 2020 | Articles, Data / Reports, First Connections
First 5 Explains: Developmental Screenings/Early Intervention
May 1, 2018 | Articles, First Connections, Integrated Health, News & Resources
The Legacy of First Connections: Twins, Triumphs and Testimonials
October 27, 2022 We’ve all heard it before: ...
Accomplishments and Learnings from First Connections Has Lasting Impact
October 27, 2022 This past September, the First 5 LA team...
Making the Connection: Testimonials, New Evaluation Report and Toolkits Reveal How First Connections Helps Families Access Early Intervention Services
Q & A: The Importance of First Connections During the Pandemic & More
February 25, 2021 | 3 Minute Read...
First Connections Program Evaluation
October 2020 First 5 LA is excited to share the findings from a year-long evaluation of our First Connections program! In 2019-20 First 5 LA partnered with Harder+Company Community Research to conduct the evaluation. This evaluation collected quantitative and...
First 5 LA Promotes Developmental Screenings with New Pediatrician Toolkit
July 2020 Pediatric clinics now have a free, practical...
An Ally Through Adversity
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First 5 Explains: Developmental Screenings/Early Intervention
Early Identification and Intervention: The early years of a child’s life are critical for building the foundation needed for success later in school and in life. Research shows that brain development is most rapid in the first years of life. In fact, 90% of a child’s...