On behalf of First 5 LA/Communities Team, thank you for your interest in partnering with us and our partners!
To make a request to engage parents or residents from one or more of the 14 Best Start geographies please read the information below:
All requests must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the date of the event. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Network Engagement Team (NET).
To submit a request please fill out the below “Community Engagement Form.“
All requests must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the date of the event. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Network Engagement Team. All requests will be processed within (15) business days upon receipt of a completed form. The review process allows the NET to assess alignment of the engagement opportunity with the guiding principles and practices, assess the “impact” or level of influence, and any other factors for consideration. Once the review process is completed, the team will follow up accordingly with the requester. The requester must track the request through the entire process. Please review the Community Engagement Opportunity Request Guide for more information about the process.
If you have any questions, please contact the Network Engagement Team at Be**************************@Fi******.org.

Guiding Principles and Practices for Authentic Community Engagement:
Below are the guiding principles and practices for Authentic Community Engagement that were co-designed with our community partners. Please use this checklist below when completing the online Community Engagement Request Form.
(Not listed in order of priority)
1. Community Alignment — Parent, resident and community stakeholder engagement opportunities align with community priorities.
2. Transparency — Engagement requests should include all relevant context, rationale, framing, expectations, and other details essential for informed decision-making. Transparency hinges on consistent and clear communication throughout the entire process, including open dialogue with community post-engagement to better understand experiences and improve future processes. Transparency facilitates mutual accountability, leveling power dynamics between funders, grantees, community and other relevant stakeholders.
3. Equity and Inclusion — Engagement opportunities should be accessible to all people, regardless of race/ethnicity, documentation status, sex, gender identity, income, education level, sexual preference or preferred language. Equitable and inclusive engagement opportunities must go beyond providing a seat at the table to facilitating fully empowered participation and mutual benefit for all.
4. Shared Leadership — Engagement opportunities should shift power towards more collective leadership and decision-making, through ways that are not tokenizing but founded on authentic relationship building and trust.
5. Respect — Engagement requests should be made with mindful awareness of power dynamics and consideration of the time, resources, and capacity required of participants and coordinators to fulfill the request.
6. Catalytic Impact — Engagement opportunities should lead to transformative outcomes that help sustain future systems change work in Best Start communities and beyond.
Equity and Inclusion
☐ All aspects of the opportunity are inclusive and accessible.
☐ Community members receive compensation for their time and contributions.
☐ Other
Community Alignment
☐ The engagement opportunity has a clear purpose, objective and connection to community change priorities and guiding principles for engagement (see principles)
☐ Other
Shared Leadership
☐ The engagement Opportunity includes a codesign element that engages community and partners early in the process.
☐ Other
Transparency and Respect
☐ Engagement request come with a clear timeline
☐ Engagement opportunities are shared with the RNG/Community at large in person by the requesting agency.
☐ Outcomes of engagement are shared back with community.
☐ Other
Catalytic Impact
☐ The opportunity is actionable, with clear steps for incorporating community voice into final outcomes.
☐ The opportunity elevates the visibility of community priorities and leads to significant impact on system change outcomes
☐ Other