The Integration and Learning Division hosted a presentation by Abt Associates, an evaluation firm, to share preliminary findings from First 5 LA’s investments in Reducing Early Childhood Obesity (RECO).


The purpose of the RECO Reach Study was to identify the people, communities, and policies/systems reached by the various RECO investments. The presentation included an overview of key findings as well as interactive activities for grantees, First 5 LA staff, and research partners to explore three different stations which summarized the reach of the RECO investments at the individual, community, and policy level. Additionally, attendees had the opportunity to discuss which findings they found most surprising, most relevant to their work, and they were able to ask questions about the study’s design and findings.

“I learned how to introduce healthy snacks. My daughters are learning to ask for a healthy snack instead of chips. I have learned to give them other options instead of just junk food”.

More Details:

An interactive mapping station provided a “sneak peek” at what opportunities for learning the final report will allow! These maps included information such as obesity rates, poverty, demographics, and CDC recommended community strategies to prevent obesity. What types of projects have you worked on where you would like to have used data mapping? Let us know in the comments section below!

Attendees discovered that those reached by the RECO investments experienced a greater sense of social support, changed their cooking or eating habits, and shifted other behaviors such as grocery shopping practices and breast feeding.

One community member said during the study:

“I learned how to introduce healthy snacks. My daughters are learning to ask for a healthy snack instead of chips. I have learned to give them other options instead of just junk food”.

Barriers to reaching individuals included lack of awareness, lack of time, and inconvenient program schedules and locations. How do these findings relate to future projects you are working on? Comment below with your response!


Presenters discuss indivdual level findings with Daniela Pineda (Vice President of Integration and Learning) and Karen Robertson-Fall (Pogram officer in Health Systems).

Facilitators to reaching individuals were widespread and included having information at WIC offices, promotional material in the community, individuals’ feelings motivated to learn healthy habits, and even getting information from medical professionals. Have you seen these types of facilitators in other projects you have worked on? Let us know in the comments section!

Pictured below: First 5 staff, contract researchers, and grantees discuss the findings to the reach study.

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Presentation attendees were surprised to learn about changes in norms and behaviors that resulted in communities from RECO investments.

One community member said during the study:

“I have seen more people at the parks. Ever since our park was renovated, it is more accessible now for the children… I have seen more people go to the groups and the Zumba classes. I do think that these programs are making a difference.”

Barriers to reaching communities were also discussed. Notably, inadequate transportation and community perceptions about safety issues in certain neighborhoods were a barrier to the RECO investments reaching communities.


Pictured above: presentataion atendees work together to understand the findings of the reach study.

Strategies to change policy included engaging the community, partnering with local officials, and collaboration with and among stakeholders. The study showed that having experience in policy and changing the policy narrative were facilitators to reaching policy/systems targets. The results also show that lack of experience, collaboration challenges, and delays were barriers to reaching policy/systems targets. What are ways you have seen policy narratives changed in other projects you have worked on? Scroll to the comments section below and let us know!

Overall, the presentation provided great information about the study findings to date and gave all the attendees a better understanding of the reach of the RECO investments! Stay tuned for more updates on the RECO investments evaluation and stop by the I&L department to look at the posters which were used at the meeting!

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