SB 982

Senator Holly Mitchell

This bill would change the sums from which the family’s income is to be deducted to determine the amount of cash aid paid each month, and would prohibit the amount of cash aid from being more than those specified sums or less than other specified sums. The bill would require all of those specified sums to be increased each year by the same percentage as the increase in the federal poverty level for each family size, as annually updated by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

AB 2960

Assembly Member Thurmond

This bill requires the California Department of Education (CDE), to convene a stakeholder workgroup by June 30, 2019, to evaluate and provide recommendations on the development of an online portal for the state’s child care and development services and to submit a report on its findings to the Superintendent of Public Instruction by January 1, 2020. It requires, by January 1, 2021, the superintendent to submit to the Legislature a report proposing plans for the online portal, based on the recommendations from the workgroup. The bill then requires the CDE to post a portal on its website, by June 30, 2022.

AB 2698

Assembly Member Rubio

This bill would require the application of an adjustment factor of 1.05 for children who are served in a California state preschool program, and for infants and toddlers who are 0 to 36 months of age and are served in general child care and development programs, or children who are 0 to 5 years of age and are served in a family child care home education network setting funded by a general child care and development program, where early childhood mental health consultation services are provided.


Assembly Member Arambula

CalWORKs: Baby Wellness and Family Support Home Visiting Program: This bill would, as of January 1, 2018, establish the Baby Wellness and Family Support Home Visiting Program that would require the State Department of Social Services to award funds to counties for the purpose of implementing or contracting with specified early home visiting programs to provide voluntary maternal, infant, and early childhood home visiting programs approved by the department and would authorize the funds to be used to coordinate early home visiting services with, among others, diaper bank services.


Assembly Members McCarty, Friedman, Eduardo Garcia, and Bonta

Pre-K For All Act of 2018: This bill, the Pre-K for All Act of 2018, would require the state to provide all 4-year-old children who meet those eligibility requirements with access to early care and education programs.


Assembly Member Reyes

Family Child Care Home Education Networks (FCCHENs): Currently a FCCHEN program must include an assessment of each family child care home provider to ensure that services are of high quality and are educationally and developmentally appropriate. This bill would require that tools used to make these assessments be appropriate to family child care home settings, and would require a family child care home education network program to include the maintenance of a developmental portfolio for each child, as provided, and opportunities for parent involvement.


Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry (Coauthors: Assembly Members Burke, Cervantes, Eggman, Quirk-Silva, Rubio, and Waldron)

Child Care: Reimbursement Rates; start-up cost; grants: This bill would increase access to infant-toddler care for 0-3 year-olds by increasing the adjustment factor for infants who are 0 to 18 months of age, and toddlers who are 18 to 36 months of age, and are served in a child day care center, and for infants and toddlers who are 0 to 36 months of age and are served in a family child care home. It would also create the Classroom Planning and Implementation Grant Program at CDE to support general child care and development centers or CSPP programs wanting to open new facilities or convert existing facilities to serve a different age group.


Assembly Member Mullin

Child Care and Development Services Act: This bill would make a number of changes to family eligibility, contracting, and professional supports to help counties capture more funding allocated to child care each year.


Assembly Member Mullin

Day Care Centers: Birth to first grade license option. Creates single license for center based care regardless of ages served.


Assembly Members McCarty and Bonta (Coauthors: Assembly Members Carrillo and Nazarian)

Developmental Screenings: Requires screening services under the EPSDT program to include development screening services for 0- to 3- year olds and be validated and standardized

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