Tiny hands passed out books and brochures earlier this month as the children of volunteers for Best Start Panorama City & Neighbors did their part to promote an active and healthy lifestyle at the Feria de Salud (Health Fair) in Panorama City. Donning Best Start t-shirts to match their parents, the children wanted to make a difference in the lives of their peers —adding to the sense of community that was felt by residents at the event.

“One of the most exciting things to see” said Maria Aquino, Best Start Program Officer for Panorama City & Neighbors, “was that our volunteer partnership members were connecting with residents and other agencies to help each other leverage resources and to collaborate on future events for their neighborhood.”

More than 500 children and their families showed up to the Plaza del Valle for the event, where Best Start Panorama City & Neighbors and dozens of other agencies were in attendance to promote the importance of physical fitness for children and to remind families of the importance of replacing sugary drinks with water. Young children gathered around the Best Start booth to get their free copy of the book “Potter the Otter: A Tale About Water” and a refillable water bottle.

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