First 5 LA funds Best Start Metro LA’s newsletter Acción Comunitaria to provide parents and residents in the community a place to share their personal stories and experiences of Best Start. All stories are written by community members and designed to inspire others to get involved. In this issue we present stories written by Communications Task Force
members Luz Hernández and Veronica Corona.

This newsletter is distributed to
community-based organizations and the nearly 500 members that currently
make up the six Neighborhood Leadership Groups organized and supported
by Best Start Metro LA. The Best Start Metro LA writing workgroup was featured in Hoy Los Angeles, the LA Times’ Spanish language newspaper.

Best Start
is an investment of First 5 LA, a leading early childhood advocate
working in partnership with others to strengthen families, communities,
and systems of services and supports so that all children in L.A. County
enter kindergarten ready to succeed in school and life. Best Start
brings together parents and caregivers, residents, organizations,
businesses and government institutions to decide how to create the best
possible community for children and their families. Best Start then provides the skills-building and leadership training to help them achieve their goals.

Acción Comunitaria – NOVIEMBRE 2015 / NOVEMBER 2015

Creada con dedicación por madres y padres / Created by dedicated parents

Articles / Artículos

Violencia Doméstica – Por Luz Hernández

Domestic Violence

– By Luz Hernández

Joven Desertor – Por Veronica Corona

Young Dropouts – By Veronica Corona

National Hispanic Heritage Month 2024: Pioneers of Change

National Hispanic Heritage Month 2024: Pioneers of Change

September 2024 September 15 marks the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month, a time when we commemorate the rich tapestry of history, traditions, culture and contributions of Hispanic Americans. Unlike other heritage months, this celebration begins mid-month...

Pride Month 2024: Empowering Change in Los Angeles

Pride Month 2024: Empowering Change in Los Angeles

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First 5 LA Board Approves FY 2024-2025 Budget and Discusses Equity Efforts

May 9, 2024, Board of Commission Meeting Summary

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